Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

The XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics was held in the city of Bilbao on March 8 and 9, 2024.

Every year, an Iberian meeting/conference (Spain and Portugal) of university professors of prosthodontics is held. This year 2024 the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics has been held in the city of Bilbao, organized by the faculty of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the University of the Basque Country – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and SEPES (Sociedad Española de Protesis Stomatology and Aesthetics).

This year more than 50 Oral Prosthetics professors from the different universities attended.

On behalf of the International University of Catalonia, Dr. Josep Cabratosa-Termes and myself. During the two days of conferences and colloquiums, two topics of great importance were addressed today: the new university law regarding the new professional categories within the University and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

With regard to AI, there was talk of its importance in image diagnosis (cbct, MRI, CT…), but also the need to adapt the training of new dentists to this reality. As for imaging diagnosis, AI can improve the reliability of making a correct diagnosis based on 3D images obtained from cbcts.

But in the subject of teaching, it was seen the need to make changes in how teaching is given and the way to evaluate the work of students, since, programs like the GPT and its ease of making texts on scientific topics , force to make changes in all those written works, such as the TFG (Final Thesis of Degree), TFM (Final Thesis of Master). In all the topics discussed, adaptation to this new reality entails a complementary effort by all the teaching staff, both in personal training and changes at an institutional level. Quite a professional challenge.

The next meeting, the one in 2025, will be held in the city of Barcelona, where the teaching staff of the University of Barcelona will organize it.

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Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

The conferences at the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala and the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala were held on February 19 and 21, 2024 respectively.

During the days 19 to 21 of February 2024, I was able to go to Guatemala invited by the Postgraduate Rehabilitation of the UCAM-PGO (Universidad Católica de Murcia – Postgardo en Odontología), at its headquarters in Guatemala City. Thanks to Dr. Adrián Alvarado, I was able to enjoy three days in this Central American city and its hospitality.

During the three days, in addition to the classes in the Rehabilitation Postgraduate, I had the opportunity to give two more lectures.

The first, at the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala. For more than two hours, I was able to share with a large number of professionals topics related to dental and implantology prosthesis. Thanks to its president, Dr. Estuardo Solís, it was a very profitable evening for everyone. Quite an honor.

The second talk was to the students of the last year of dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, the largest public university in Guatemala. Its Dean, Dr. Kenneth Pineda, former student of the International University of Catalonia, made the presentation, and for more than 3 hours, we were talking about prosthetics on implants, a specialty that is growing strongly in Guatemala. All the students were very interested in this important part of dentistry, one of which is evolving the fastest.

It was a pleasure to have been in Guatemala these days, with fantastic people and very attentive students with a great desire to learn.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

On November 23, 2023, I gave a talk at the University of Buenos Aires.

In the week of November 20 to 24, 2023, I was able to share a week of work with the Cidesid Modular Master.

Its directors, Dr. Hernán López-Rubin, Dr. Elisabeth Sabariego and Dr. Juan Pascual, I was invited to share a week of surgery (dental implants, bone and gingival grafts…) at the University of Buenos Aires with his students.

A week full of work, visiting a large number of patients. As a comment, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires is one of the largest dental faculties in the world, with 17 clinical floors, with more than 750 dental chairs, more than 3,500 students and with more of 250,000 patients visited each year. A huge faculty with all the best technology.

Taking advantage of the visit to the Faculty, its Dean, Dr. Pablo Alejandro Rodríguez invited me to give a talk, Thursday morning, open not only to university students, but to colleagues from all over Buenos Aires.

On this occasion, the topic was a little broader, embracing different topics of Oral Rehabilitation, such as the correct diagnosis in complex cases, a good provisionalization (provisional prostheses to be able to have the correct functional and aesthetic parameters), how to use these provisional prostheses to move to the definitive prosthesis and how we can, using the full range of current materials and techniques, achieve a very good oral rehabilitation, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.

In this case, the 4 hours of conference managed to be followed by numerous professional colleagues. With all these hours of teaching and sharing knowledge, it was a very productive, enjoyable week, surrounded by great colleagues. Quite an honor, quite a pleasure and very grateful for the invitation and the warm welcome.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Dr. Oriol Cantó

Dr. Cantó gave a conference last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada with the title: NEW STANDARDS IN REHABILITATION ON IMPLANTS: CARBON FIBER-PEEK AND COMPOSITES.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

El passat dia 20 de novembre, el Dr. Oriol Cantó va fer la defensa de la tesi doctoral Avaluació in-vitro de l’estrès sobre una connexió implant-pilar tipus con morse segons els material restaurador.

Last November 20, Dr. Oriol Cantó defended his doctoral thesis In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

The thesis was graded CUM LAUDE.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Conference in Lima

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October. One at the College of Dental and Maxillofacial Prosthetics and another at the International Congress of the Scientific University of the South.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Metal-free prostheses

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Implants ceràmics

Carbon Fiber provides us with biocompatibility and lightness.

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Ask about Carbon Fiber prostheses: the future TODAY.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a conference at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile, within the III International Conference with the title Provisionalization: the key to success.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.



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Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Last June 27 and 28, Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology prosthesis as part of the Master’s degree in implantology at the University of Almeria and the College of Dentists of Málaga.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la XXXV Jornadas Ibéricas de Profesores Universitarios de Prostodoncia

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics

Summary of the XXXV Iberian Conference of University Professors of Prosthodontics in Bilbao. Innovations in AI and educational adaptation, a professional challenge.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.
Conferència del Dr. Oriol Cantó a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the University of Buenos Aires

Week of surgery and conferences at the University of Buenos Aires with the Cidesid Modular Master. Experience in dentistry and oral rehabilitation.
Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the College of Dentists of Granada

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó last February 10 at the College of Dentists in Granada.

Doctoral thesis Dr. Oriol Cantó

In-vitro evaluation of the stress on an implant-abutment type con morse connection according to restorative materials.

Conference in Lima

Dr. Cantó offered two conferences in Lima (Peru) in October.
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