Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala
Summary of the visit to Guatemala with the UCAM-PGO Rehabilitation Postgraduate. Conferences for professionals on dental prosthesis and implantology.

The conferences at the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala and the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala were held on February 19 and 21, 2024 respectively.
During the days 19 to 21 of February 2024, I was able to go to Guatemala invited by the Postgraduate Rehabilitation of the UCAM-PGO (Universidad Católica de Murcia – Postgardo en Odontología), at its headquarters in Guatemala City. Thanks to Dr. Adrián Alvarado, I was able to enjoy three days in this Central American city and its hospitality.
During the three days, in addition to the classes in the Rehabilitation Postgraduate, I had the opportunity to give two more lectures.
The first, at the Colegio Estomatológico de Guatemala. For more than two hours, I was able to share with a large number of professionals topics related to dental and implantology prosthesis. Thanks to its president, Dr. Estuardo Solís, it was a very profitable evening for everyone. Quite an honor.
The second talk was to the students of the last year of dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, the largest public university in Guatemala. Its Dean, Dr. Kenneth Pineda, former student of the International University of Catalonia, made the presentation, and for more than 3 hours, we were talking about prosthetics on implants, a specialty that is growing strongly in Guatemala. All the students were very interested in this important part of dentistry, one of which is evolving the fastest.
It was a pleasure to have been in Guatemala these days, with fantastic people and very attentive students with a great desire to learn.