Implantology course in Madrid

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Last June 14, Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

The course was part of the Postgraduate Excellence in Implantology of the SECUB (Sociedad Española de Cuidados Bucales).

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Summer promotion

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.


Call us and we’ll let you know.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Paediatric dentistry

Paediatric dentistry

Now that summer is coming and the holidays are starting, remember that it is convenient to keep your teeth clean and healthy.


Now that summer is coming and the holidays are starting, remember that it is convenient to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Visit (boys/girls aged 4 to 14) + dental cleaning + fluoridation: €30

Call us and we will give you a visit time.


Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Participation in the III MIS Iberica Symposium

Participation in the III MIS Iberica Symposium

Last March 7, the III Symposium organized by MIS Iberica took place in the city of Bilbao.

Dr. Cantó participated with the “CAD-CAM: reality or fiction” conference.

Throughout the day, an outstanding number of professionals in implantology, both surgeons and prosthodontists, broke down different topics of current implantology.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

International Meeting

International Meeting

Dr. Oriol Cantó took part, last March 1, in an international meeting with a small group of Swiss and Austrian university professors.

Dr. Oriol Cantó took part, last March 1, in an international meeting with a small group of Swiss and Austrian university professors to discuss the future of implantology: new surfaces, new rehabilitative materials, new lines of research…

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Oriol Cantó renews his website

Oriol Cantó renews his website

As part of the renewal process of ORIOL CANTÓ, its new website has just been launched.

Oriol Cantó

As part of the renewal process of ORIOL CANTÓ, its new website has just been launched.

The website has improved its navigation, its visual appearance and has incorporated new functionalities to better adapt to the needs of patients and the professional demands of its medical, clinical and administrative team.

Web Oriol Cantó

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

ADADI: creation of the Dental Association of Aid to the Disabled

ADADI: creation of the Dental Association of Aid to the Disabled

In 2006, at the initiative of Dr. Oriol Cantó, the Dental Association of Aid to the Disabled (ADADI) is created.

In 2006, at the initiative of Dr. Oriol Cantó, the Associació Dental d’Ajuda al Discapacitat (ADADI) is created with the purpose of helping the dental health of the physically and mentally disabled, equipping the clinic with a special operating theater for wheelchairs and stretchers, offering care to any patients with mobility difficulties or who require special attention.

The head office of said association is located at Clínica Oriol Cantó, Carrer Brusi 80, 08006 Barcelona.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó

Conference of Dr. Oriol Cantó

Dr. Oriol Cantó gave the conference “Impression materials in prostheses on implants and the best techniques for an excellent result”.

Last May 7, and within the training spaces of the Miravé clinic, Dr. Oriol Cantó, expert in immediate load implants and dental reconstructions, gave the conference “Impression materials in prostheses on implants and the best techniques for an excellent result”.

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.

New Corporate Image of Clínica Oriol Cantó

New Corporate Image of Clínica Oriol Cantó

The renewal of Oriol Cantó’s corporate image is part of its constant commitment to innovation.

Nova Imatge Corporativa de la Clínica Oriol Cantó

The renewal of Oriol Cantó’s corporate image is part of its constant commitment to innovation. The management team of the clinic wanted its effort to remain at the forefront of modern dentistry to also find a reflection in its institutional identity elements.

The new image has been oriented towards a modern and functional emblem that allows the immediate identification of the ORIOL CANTÓ seal. It is a sober and elegant brand.

Nova Imatge Corporativa de la Clínica Oriol Cantó

Other articles you may find interesting…

Implants ceràmics

Metal-free prostheses

Carbon Fiber, as a substitute for the metal structure, provides us, with the resin or composite coating, function and aesthetics, as well as passivity and repairability.

Conference at the University of the Andes, Chile

Last October 18, Dr. Oriol Cantó gave a lecture at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


From now on, you can follow us on Facebook.

Implantology prosthesis course in Málaga

Implantology prosthesis course within the Master of Implantology at the University of Almeria.

Implantology course in Madrid

Dr. Cantó taught a course in Implantology Prosthetics invited by the Department of Health and Excellence of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Summer promotion

Clínica Oriol Cantó offers you a special summer pack.
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