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The Clinic

Located near you, in the center of Barcelona, the Oriol Cantó Clinic is a modern, comfortable space, open to the public, where the most important thing is the oral health of our patients. We combine a long professional experience with modern facilities.

Quality at the service of our patients.

Pacient amb diicultats de mobilitat

A patient-oriented clinic with spaces enabled and adapted to people with mobility difficulties or who need more specialized care.

Digital radiology, advanced surgery. Modern facilities and patient care and information areas. We have the most advanced technology to guarantee the highest quality in all dental treatments.

Detall interior de la Clínica Dental Oriol Cantó
Bàner equip

Our Team

Our team of specialist dentists is made up of a multidisciplinary group of highly qualified professionals whose main reason for their work is to offer personalised care to patients.

Medical Directorate

Responsibility, rigour, professionalism

Detall interior de la Clínica Dental Oriol Cantó

The medical management of the clinic is in the hands of Dr. Oriol Cantó, founder of the center. Its priority has always been to have a team of professionals capable of offering quality treatments to oral problems in the different specialties.

A team focused on the interests of the patient and working on personalized solutions adapted to each need, to each person, to each mouth.

Another objective that has marked the line of action of the Medical Directorate has been to send dentistry to everyone and especially to people with disabilities or physical or intellectual disabilities. This has been possible thanks to being able to have a conscientious and trained team to attend to these people and to be able to carry out this type of work.

Our goal is to make treatments a personalized, adapted and unique experience for each patient, with the least invasive techniques to obtain the best results.

Dr. Oriol Cantó Navés

Dr. Oriol Cantó Navés was the founder and promoter of the Oriol Cantó Dental Clinic in Tàrrega (Lleida) and later in Barcelona, as well as founder and president of the Dental Association of Disabilities Aid (ADADI).

Degree in Dentistry from the University of Barcelona and Professor at the International University of Catalonia in the Master of Prosthetics and Implants since 2000.

With extensive professional experience, he is a member of the main national and international scientific societies (SEPES, SEI).

He has had a training with international stays such as the University of Geneva (Dr. Urs Belser Chair of Prosthesis and Implants in Switzerland), and Advance Restorative Esthetics (Baylor College in Dallas USA) courses and A synergistic approach to implant dentistry in Orlando (USA).

This trajectory has been reflected in papers, reference scientific articles and an edited book of prosthetics on implants, as well as an extensive teaching activity in Spain and International: United States, Mexico, Argentina, China, Israel, Portugal, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Dubai, Guatemala…

Dr. Oriol Cantó i Dr. Xavier Gimeno
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