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The Dental Clinic Oriol Cantó, committed to caring for people with disabilities, founded the Dental Association of Disabilities Aid (ADADI).

Pacient amb diicultats de mobilitat

We remove the barriers to your dental health.

ADADI is an association that provides a comprehensive oral care service to people with disabilities by providing a personalized response to their needs.

That is why we have fully adapted facilities, with a special operating room for wheelchairs and bunk beds with direct access from the street.

We have experience in how to properly care for this type of patient and in how to optimally apply treatments, which in many cases require conscious sedation.

With the aim of informing, helping and defending the dental health of people with physical and/or mental disabilities, we carry out actions that contribute to promoting research, the quality of care and the awareness of the whole society in the specific problem that affects this type of person in terms of their dental health.

The headquarters of ADADI, located at the Oriol Cantó Dental Clinic, is designed and equipped to assist any patient with mobility difficulties or patients with cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, etc… that requires special attention.

We are proud of our contribution in this area.

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